Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Count Down

It's 18 days until the Charity Walk I've signed up for and qualify to walk in. It's a 20-miler! Yikes! I am only now realizing how unprepared i really am, and I'm a little nervous about walking alone.

This wouldn't be the first time I've jumped head-first into something before discovering all the details. My study abroad program to Spain?! 6 weeks in a foreign country, and I knew nobody! It's a little bit of an impulse thing, but it's never lead me astray before, so I'm hoping that if there's ever a time for consistency, this would be it.

The Walk itself is awesome, and I am so excited to participate. It's the Out of the Dark, Overnight Walk for Suicide Prevention. This is a cause that strikes extremely close to home for me, and the pull of participating is incredibly strong. It starts, and ends, at the South Street Seaport in NYC. It starts after sunset on the Saturday night, and you walk through the night, and out of the darkness into the sunrise! The idea is so inspirational, nothing has moved me so much as of late as this has.

I doubt I'll be walking alone. For something like this, people come together to share stories and help give comfort to those they can empathize with. And let's face it, I've never been one to keep to myself and be shy.

But it's crazy to think that in a little over two weeks, I'll be doing this. This "thing" that means so much to me. And the support and encouragement from all of my wonderful friends and family has given me more cause to champion this foundation and charity.

Over the weekend, I walked the AIDS walk NY to try and give myself a time gauge. I was able to walk 6.2 miles in about two hours. Not too shabby, but I know the 20 miler is going to be longer than 8 hours. With the way my knees are (I have really bad knees), I'm sure I'll be taking frequent rest stops.

And I'm also hoping that some of my friends might come down to meet me at the finish line for breakfast! Details and location to follow, but definitely give me a head's up if you might want to venture into the city for a morning brunch!


At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll be there!!! eggs and turkeybacon on me!!!

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Flighty Bird said...

awesome! thanks, dear! :) i think moni and nathan are going to come in, too...carpool?!


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