Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Fishing!

There is a time-honored tradition among the women and gay men of NYC, and it lands on a Wednesday-Wednesday week, with Memorial Weekend right smack in the middle of it.

Fleet Week, ladies, is definitely upon us!

You can usually mark this short time span by the copious amounts of men in sailor uniforms wandering around midtown…

…or by Roommie’s sudden urge to stalk all things sailor! And you know what? I don’t blame her.

I had my first sighting Wednesday night while out with Christina. We were doing some bathing-suit shopping and decided on dinner as well. And there they were in all their glorious white, perm-pressed, freshly starched uniforms with those adorable hats. And what did I do?

I froze!

Yup, I was so overwhelmed that I looked a cutie right in the eye…and kept walking!! What is wrong with me?! This truly goes against nature!

But alas, I had a chance to redeem myself.

Last night, I had tried to organize a bar-night for my softball team since there was a two and a half week interim between games. Way too long in my opinion to not hang out with a great group of folks. So, I picked the place, sent out the email, and counted down the days to yet another excuse to go out drinking.

Since the Knepf and Roommie only showed up, it was as we say “a bust.” But we still had a good time with conversations and jokes.

As we entered the subway station that would bring us back to Penn, I spotted three crisp white uniforms. As one went up to the booth to ask how to get to Times Square, I oh-so obligingly stated that I was headed the same way and how convenient was it that they could just follow me! *glee*

Oh yes, folks…put a few beers in me and I actually become better at quick thinking when it comes to my man-hunting extracurricular activities. I do in fact become wittier, more clever and just a wee bit craftier! This isn’t even self-proclaimed, I kid you not! It is definitely a scientifically proven fact!

After finishing a crazy-big project at work on Wednesday, today was just dealing with catching up on stuff that kind of got put on the back-burner. And realizing that I didn’t want to go anywhere near Part II of Crazy Big Work Project tomorrow, I wouldn’t really have anything to do all day. The solution? Take the day off! But I’m still heading in to the city to hang out and mosey around. Maybe do some sailor stalking! Woot! Woot!

So, what is the best way to get over the most heinous two weeks ever?!

Gone fishin’!

God bless America, our Veterans, and Fleet Week! Happy Memorial Holiday, Bitches!


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