Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I Don't Have Anything Better To Do

Thanks to a friend that feels the same way, I've just decided to post one of these ridiculous surveys you see all over emails and MySpace-type websites!

1. Name: Carolyn
2. Your nickname: In reference to my last name, usually "Purv"
3. birthday: September 1st
5. Place of Birth: West Islip, Long Island
6. Male or Female: Female
7. Highest Grade Accomplished: Undergraduate
8. School: Hofstra University
9. Occupation: Operations/Manufacturing; Publishing
10. Residence: Queens, New York
11. Screen Name: princesshuminbr

__Your Appearance___
12. Hair Color: Reddish/Brown (kind of my natural color)
13. Hair Length: short, just to my earlobes
14. Height: 5'9"
15. Braces?: Nope
16. Glasses?: For driving and distances
17. Piercings: Four
18. Tattoos: one
19. Righty or Lefty: Righty

___Your 'Firsts'___
20. First Award: A "Helping Hands" Award in 1st grade
21. First Sport You Joined: track
22. first pet: Goldie, the goldfish
23. First Real Vacation: Montego Bay, Jamaica
24. First Concert: Third Eye Blind and the Goo Goo Dolls
25. First Love: Chris, the kid down the block...he let me share his sand box...how could I not?

___ Favorites___
26. Movie: This month, it's "Love Actually"
27. TV Show: Veronica Mars
28. Color: Purple
29. Rapper: I don't do rap
30. Song: this week, it's "Powerless" by Nelly Furtado
31. Candy: Sour Patch Kids
32. Sport To Play: Softball/Badminton
33. Sport To Watch: Hockey or Lacrosse
34. favorite brand to wear: Ann Taylor
35. Store: I do online shopping at the "O"
36. School Subject: Math...yes, I'm a dork
37. Animal: hummingbirds
38. Book: Currently? "Summer Knight: Book 4 of the Dresden Files" by Jim Butcher
39. Magazine: Cosmo...and it is totally for all the sex tips!

40. Eating: Swedish Fish
41. Drinking: Water
42. Typing?: Just this!
43. Online?: blogger.com and my instant messenger
44. Listening To: Tori Amos
45. Thinking About: my date later
46. Wanting To: Move to Seattle
47. Watching: My computer screen and a fly
48. Wearing: A sexy ass-hugging skirt and slimming black top

___Your Future___
49. Want Kids?: Not sure
50. Want to be Married?: Maybe, if there's a guy worth marrying out there
51. Careers in Mind: Owning my own florist or going back to law school

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
52. Cute or Sexy: Sexy
53. Lips or Eyes: that's a tough toss-up...I do enjoy kissing...a lot. I'd have to go with lips
54. Short or Tall: the taller the better
55. Easygoing or serious: A sublime mixture of both
56. Romantic or Spontaneous: both are necessary
57. Fatty or Skinny: Neither extreme is appealing.
58. Sensitive or Loud: again with the extremes!
59. Hook-up or Relationship: I'm at a point where a hook-up isn't bad, but a relationship would be nice
59. Sweet or Caring: Same thing, and it's wonderful
60. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Where's the fun in being hesitant?

___Have you ever______
61. Kissed a Stranger: Yes
62. had Alcohol:Do fish swim??
63. Smoked: nope, never
64. Ran Away From Home: when I was 9...I got as far as the end of the block and then realized I wasn't allowed to cross the Main Street by myself, so I went home.
65. broken a Bone: Yeah, my leg...in two places
66. Got an X-ray: refer to the broken bone question...
67. Broken Someones Heart: probably
68. Broke Up With Someone: Yes
69. Turned Someone Down: yes
70. Cried When Someone Died: Yes
71. Cried At School: yes

___Do You Believe In___
72. God: I believe in some form of a higher power
73. Miracles: Yes
74. Love At First sight: Sure do
75. Ghosts: Yes
76. Aliens: I believe in some form of life somewhere else in the universe
77. Soul Mates: Yes
78. Heaven: Yes
79. Hell: Sure do...I'm driving the bus...All Aboard!
80. Kissing on The First Date: Sure, why not?! Depends on the type of kiss
81. Horoscopes: It's more for fun.


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