Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Friday, January 26, 2007

From Across The Table

She was feeling so out of sorts, like she didn't belong. True, it was the company's post-holiday holiday party, but she was still feeling misplaced. After five months with a new job and company, she still didn't have a sense of place within the company, much less the department. The plus side was that the food and drinks were free! Hello Bartender!

She didn't necessarily cling to her boss, but that was the only familiar face in a sea of suits. Grabbing a glass of wine from the bar, she decided to try the 'mingle' thing. By nature, she isn't shy, but when feeling out of her element, she needs a little more encouragement than normal. As she started to make the rounds, she recognized some people from the editorial staff, but felt awkward going to talk to them since they were about to be laid-off. What does one say to someone who's about to lose their job? Been nice knowing you? Good luck with that? Not so much. Moving on...

Oh look, there's some people from the marketing and promotions department...she went to say hello, but quickly realized there was no more room at their table and they weren't about to make room. Nod, wave, and moving on...

The one cool thing she realized about the post-holiday holiday party was that the location had pool tables and table tennis (yes, ping-pong). She decided to meander over that way and check it out, to watch the display of humiliation that people were putting themselves through. And then she saw them...

The most beautiful pair of blue eyes staring back at her from across the room. She felt herself getting lost in them, swimming in them. And when she started to focus on the person who these eyes belonged to, she saw a charming smile to match them. He was engaged in a conversation, but that didn't stop him from seeing her smile as well. She stood there, forgetting where she was for a moment, drinking her Jack-Sour, and watching him watch her. He quickly disengaged himself from his conversation and made his way towards her as her heart beat against the inside of her chest. Those eyes, she thought to herself, they are coming my way! "Hi, I'm Mike," he said. He flashed that smile, and offered his hand. Taking it, feeling the strength in it, she replied, "I know." He gave a quizzical look, and she tapped his silly name tag...one that they were all given as they arrived. His smile came easy again, and then he looked down at hers and said, "So I guess that would make you Carolyn, (he leaned in a little) unless you really just wanted to be 'Carolyn' today?" And again that smile, that went all the way up to meet those eyes. It was impossible not to return it.

From there, they chatted a little about what they did in the company, the usual small talk. They had never met before because they work on two different floors in the building. She didn't learn too much about him personally, but that was OK with her. She really wasn't looking to learn anything, just looking to spend some time staring into those eyes.

And then some time later it was time for her to go. She had a train to catch. She said her good-byes to him. He held out his hand again, and again she took it, lingering longer than was 'corporately appropriate' but he didn't seem to mind, and was almost as reluctant as she was to let go and break that connection. But let go she did, because she had that train to catch.

As she left, she looked back over her shoulder and saw him smile at her, with those gorgeous blue eyes watching her leave, from across the table.


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