Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Midnight Chats

I was away this past weekend (hence no new blogs) with the family in the Poconos. We have been doing the trip every January for the past six years, renting a house from a family friend so we can all go skiing at the near-by mountains...well, they all go skiing. I sit in the lodge and watch their stuff. My skiing debacle is a story for another time.

Usually I have a great time this weekend, and I was really looking forward to it this year since I didn't get much time with the fam at Christmas. Unfortunately, the weekend was a bust due to the actions of a friend I had invited along. So, with it being a disappointment and upset, I was at least able to find one shining moment in it all, though. My midnight chat!

The Artist texted me somewhere around 11:30pm Friday night: "R U Awake?!" An instant way for me to smile, but I was in the middle of playing Cranium with the family (an AWESOME game, btw), so I texted him back "Busy at moment...call u later?" And of course the response was "Absolutely. Take ur time! :)"

So, with the game over sometime about an hour later, I call him. And we're on the phone for over an hour, talking straight through. No awkward silences, well no silences at all actually! The conversation probably would've been longer if I didn't have to go and waylay my friend. But it was great, the time we did have. We talked about family vacations growing up, his work he has coming up, the wine class I'm taking, music, and more. And over the course of the conversation, he said how I've inspired him to start learning to play the guitar, to start reading books he has always meant to read, and just enjoying things in life a whole lot more in general! He called me his Muse, saying that he hasn't been able to work on a piece in a while and that it was probably due to the fact that we haven't seen each other in a little bit. Definitely a sure-fire way to make a girl go all mushy inside.

But wait...there's more! As if that whole prelude wasn't enough for me, he then turns the conversation towards my conflict of either moving into NYC or back out to Long Island. And the way he phrased it, was to put more emphasis on the "moving back to L.I." part. I told him I still wasn't sure, and that it was probably going to be solved by a big cosmic sign showing me which way I should be going. His pointed advice was a.) that he would love for me to move back to L.I. so we would see each other more often but that I had to ultimately do what I needed for myself, and b.) that while I'm waiting for the big cosmic sign, don't miss the "little signs" that might be passing me by.

What the hell does that mean?! Roomie thinks I should just ask him. I think I actually may take the direct route on this one, especially if it could be a factor in a life decision like where to move! It's definitely food for thought! All I know is that he and I are getting closer and closer, and it's not scaring me anymore. I am actually really fond of the time we spend together, and glad that it doesn't always have to be physical like so many of my other relationships had been. I think that says something important.

And on top of it all, he's making plans. Wasn't that a Grey's Anatomy line about Finn?! He has plans! And you know what?! It does a helluva lot for your emotions when the guys actually plans on sticking around for a while because he likes to spend time and do things with you! The line up: the Rothko exhibit at the Whitney, Rent on Broadway, Tango lessons, sky-diving, and a weekend camping trip in the spring/summer! All great things to look forward to and I'm not wigging out like I usually do about boys. Maybe it has a lot to do with the fact that we've been friends for years?! I'm not sure, but it is definitely important and has helped at least a little. The bottom line is that I'm happy to be able to share my time with someone I genuinely like. What a novelty! (stated sarcastically)


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