Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Like a Whirl-Wind

The cleaning rampage is still going strong! I actually passed on dinner and drinks last night with the girls to keep my groove. Wednesday night I attacked a good portion of the living room, organizing all of my books, getting rid of the ones that I have come to realize I will never ever read. Last night, I commenced the first wave of my bedroom: clothing. I went through all of my cloths in the closet and armoire, and filtered out things that I haven't worn in over a year, or old clothing that should be laid to rest and thrown out! Two big black garbage bags and two large shopping bags later (and a full hamper), I think I've pretty much gotten the clothing under control.

Next step: clutter! And dusting.

I bought that amazing Swiffer Duster! It is a god-send, let me tell you! For those that don't like to pick everything up to dust underneath, it really is the most amazing solution for the lazy duster! I rate it with the amazing Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! One of those wonders of household cleaning!

Tonight is a get-together at Moosie's, and I really want to go, but I also want to clean! How crazy is that?! I think my mom would sh*t her pants if she actually heard me say that I wanted to stay home on a Friday night to clean! But I've got such motivation right now, and I am afraid that if I break it, I will lose it. Half the battle is knowing yourself in a situation. And I know I'm going to be out of the house all day tomorrow for The Artist's gallery show in NYC. And Sunday, I really want to try and see McG before her and her boy go to D.C. Grrr...so much to do, so little time to do it in!

January is already filling up so much, I thought things were supposed to slow down after the holidays?!

Oh yeah, and trying to date in the mix of it all! Crazy! But at least that's a fun reprieve in it all. Things still seem to be going pretty well with New Boy, for it being a total of a month. He's still interested and asked if I was free next week to get together and asked me if I had any ideas of what to do for the evening. Now there's a loaded question! :) So, I came up with some G-rated things to do and I'll see what he thinks. And then I also invited him to Taco Night, so fingers crossed!


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