Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Back from the Land of Oz!

I just got back from spending 5 days, yes FIVE WHOLE DAYS (and nights), in the city of Sin! Las Vegas, Nevada people!!!

Oh! My! God!

It was a trip of a lot of firsts, some seconds, and some consecutive firsts AND seconds.

First time in Vegas.
First time in a casino.
First time where my dinner cost more than $75/person
First time in a limo.
First time at a strip club.
First time getting a lap dance...followed by my second ever lap dance.

It was an amazing vacation! Truly, one for the books...but I'm probably not going to post much about it, because you know what they say...

But I WILL say that on the flight out there, Roommie found (and forced me to buy) the most perfect t-shirt ever to wear.

One that said, "I Feel a Sin Coming On."

If that was a sign? I have no fucking clue what would have been!


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