Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back to the Grindstone!

It's officially my second day on the new job, and it's been...boring. I have truly come to realize how spoiled I was at the Bird. The Bird had their shit together for new hires, right from day one. Here, everything is going to take, 'a week or so' for me to be in the system and get my benefits set up, my pay checks coming, etc...that's what you get when your company has 'shared services' in HR with a sister company in Chicago!

Any-who, yesterday was full of just trying to get my work space situated (computer wasn't even there for me when I arrived), and getting my usernames and passwords all set up. Fun times, let me tell you. And today, my new boss is out (with good reason, though), so I've been left to my own devices. I am trying to analyze this spreadsheet, but from the little amount of data I received yesterday in my beginning stages of 'training' it hasn't really been a help. There is just so much to learn, and my new boss has been overwhelmed for so long, that I understand her being scattered.

So, I know that I need to hang in there...it's only been two days for cripes-sake! It'll get better, once I find my groove, I know. At least the rapport between me and my boss seem like it's going to be just fine! That always takes a load off!

Tonight, I am off to see the band Dirty Pretty Things at the Bowery...never been to that space so I am looking forward to it, and also seeing a new band. I've heard great things, so it's some exciting stuff!!!


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