Flighty and Free, or at Least Trying to Be!

A Twenty-Something Urbanite, with a little taste of wanderlust, who's just trying to find her way in this semi-charmed kind of life!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

More Restlessness

This past weekend was nice. My roommate was out of town on business, and I was really looking forward to having the place to myself, to have a few nights of uninterrupted sleep. I was able to just chill and do my thing. Sunday I spent at my friends, helping her with a garage sale. It was nice to spend the day in the sun, not really doing a damn thing. For the most part, I got some much need rest, but spending that day out on Long Island had me feeling antsy again. I'm sensing another change coming on the wind. Nothing too drastic, but something that will be necessary.

I never thought I would end up working and living in New York City. I forswore it in college, but now that I am here, I think myself crazy to not have considered it then. It's almost like a rite of passage. But part of me still misses the little things Long Island has to offer. Aside from my parents and closest friends, I miss the beaches, the trees, the parks, and most of all the stars. I really miss seeing the stars at night. I grew up being a nature girl, so can you really blame me? So, while I was out at my friends', she was trying to convince me to move back to Long Island. Everything she said sounded so seductive, but I wouldn't be able to afford to commute from out there AND pay the rent prices. Well, you know how 'they' say that usually the best solutions are the simplest? Her solution to that problem was to find a job out on Long Island that I would really like, since she knows how frustrated and disenchanted I am with my current employment. Can we say *duh*? I told Moni that I wanted to give it the full six months or so, and really see how it goes. I do want to give it a chance, having taken the advice of a friend and changed my expectations (or should I say lowered my expectations). I am not a quitter by nature...actually kind of the opposite almost never knowing WHEN to quit, but I do feel like my talents and resources could be better used elsewhere.

It was definitely food for thought. In the meantime Moni and Wangie are both offering to help me scope out what kind of employment on Long Island I might be interested in. And I'm always looking at apartment listings to just get a feel for what the market is. So, come February, I'll see where I stand with all and take it from there.


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